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de Pago
Somos Sandra, Gustavo
e Ignacio:
de años de experiencia con miles
de turistas del mundo en
nuestro boliche de picadas
decidimos crear este hostal
familiar, en nuestra casa, para
Dormir bien, Comer y Bañarse, Caminar sin
peligros, Oler flores silvestres,
Escuchar pájaros
Servicio: SERVICIO: WI-FI, * T.V. digital Abierta , 1 Calefactor o 1 ventilador Baño priv. Agua cal. 24 hs. Jabon liq., Papel hig. Ropero, Sábanas, frazada, acolchado, almohada, Elementos aseo, Mesas, pergola y tendedero en patios * USO COCINA (Afuera dormis) c/horno, utensillos, limpieza, Vajilla personal y heladera , * Parrilla (chulengo) Extras: (según disponibiidad) * Estacionamiento patio cerrado (puerta dormis) (entrada 2m altura) $70 Auto $100 camioneta larga X dia * Toalla y toallon por estadia $20 x persona * Velador y almohadas extras $20 x dia * calentador o microondas en dormi $30 xdía * 1 Caloventor o 1 ventilador extra $30x dia * Excursión personalizada: $250 para 2 Caminando (1-2 Km.) cerros, montes, vias, almuerzo (chorizos en ramitas entre las piedras) * Aprendizaje Huerta casera: $300 (3 dias, 2 horas mañana o tarde), Hacer y usar (verduras y aromaticas) plantitas de regalo de nuestra produccion * Aprendizaje Cocina criolla,: $690 (3 dias, 2 horas mañana o tarde) elaboracion (y consumo) de 4 comidas y 2 panificados o postres Alquiler x dia, 3 Dormis en DUPLEX, BAÑO Privado, con uso de cocina y vajilla $ TOTAL por estadia de noches personas PRECIO del servicio + estacionamiento o toallas (ver opcionales) (Feriados, Vacaciones y Eventos son Paquetes especiales) Duplex ¨Azucenas¨: Planta baja: Baño, mesa, P.alta: cama doble. PRECIO del servicio: $440 (ver opcionales) Duplex ¨Violestas¨: Planta baja: Baño, mesa, cama, P.alta: cama doble. PRECIO del servicio: $600 (ver opcionales) Duplex ¨Margaritas¨: Planta baja: Baño, mesa, cama cucheta, P.alta: cama doble. PRECIO del servicio: $720 (ver opcionales) Reserva: SIN SEÑA: Efectivo al llegar, Orden de llegada, No Aseguramos, 1 Noche sola no tomamos seña Con D.N.I.(Mensajes), Llegar de mañana, Pagar, Entrega Llave, Dejar cosas, Entrar a las 12 CON SEÑA 50%, Deposito o Tarjetas, resto al entrar ASEGURAMOS Estadía, Precio, Descuentos Pagos y SEÑA 50% • Deposito (sin costo) a cuenta Locales de pago, gasto 7-8% • Tarjetas (Anticipado), gasto 7-8%, PayU, El sistema pide datos y pagos, (solo usted los ve), Camita catre o colchón extra: $90 * Bebes duermen con padres no se cobra * Mascotas:(en excepciones) $100 Horario: entrada desde 12 hs. Salida: hasta 11.00 hs. Espacios comunes de 7 a 23hs CANCELACIONES: LAS SEÑAS NO SERAN REEMBOLSABLES Hasta dias 7 antes, podrán ser REPROGRAMADAS a otra fecha Bueno, Bonito, Barato... recomendalo [Compartir por whatsapp] - aCompartilo Llegar-Tandil-Clima Chubut 1940 Al pie de la Movediza, llegar a capilla (en el cerro) Girar a derecha 1 cuadra. Es un barrio. a 30 cuadras del centro, en una punta del sector turistico que es una media luna alrededor del centro histórico. Lugares turisticos 2 a 5 km del centro, todos son naturales (libre-gratis). Terminal y Estación de tren, Casino, cine, bailables, patios Carrefour, estan en el lateral no turisticos. Recomendaciones Terminal y estación de tren: Hay taxis ahí, pero mejor si llama este remis 0249 4451888 Colectivo linea 503 (azul), sistema tarjeta SUMO http://www.gpssumo.com/ se puede ver en linea los recorridos, y puntos de venta, se toma a 4 cuadras de estas (PASA POR TERMINAL-CASINO, CENTRO, zona estacion, ESQUINA DEL HOSTAL. Tener en cuenta si llegan a medianoche no hay colectivos, ni casi nada abierto para comer, solo estaciones o casino-terminal Clima: aun en verano refresca de noche, Vestimenta y zapatos comodos para caminar y subir piedra. ++ ver intereses, actividades y paseos de la pagina, damos información de gastronomia, horarios, y formas de moverse, para que puedan aprovechar cada lugar. Desde ruta 3 y 30 (sur capital) o 2 y 74 o 29 y 74, 226 (provincias norte o Mar del plata, sur) , LLEGAR A rotonda ruta 30 y 226 (parque industrial) doblar por Av Eva Duarte, (luego Av Lunghi) hacia el centro unas 15 cuadras, doblar a derecha en Alighieri (2do SEMAFORO), Acceso movediza, rodear cerro (bar, plaza artesanos), llegar a la capilla girar a la derecha 1 cuadra Desde centro: tomar hacia movediza por calle Yrigoyen (Plaza principal) hasta av Del valle, dobla levemente a izquierda a De la torre hasta cuarteles, izquierda 3 cuadras hasta Av lunghi dobla a derecha, hasta Alighieri (2do SEMAFORO), Conviene moverse por avenidas, hay muchas calle cortadas por los cerros lago, vias. ACTIVIDADES SUGERIDAS Cerca del hostal: (consultenos por detalles) Todos son lugares libres, gratuitos (en horarios diurnos) *1 cuadra, cerro movediza, piedra replica, paseo, comida, artesanos, capilla, centro deportes, centro salud, plazas *5 cuadras, antiguas vias y cantera, caminos rurales, bosques, arroyitos, para hacer en bici, caminando *7 cuadras, plaza con avión Mirage (Malvinas) * 3km, cerro leones, pueblito con boliche tipo pulperia, canteras, lagunas, hay colectivo * 6km, cerro de la Virgen, hermita de shoenstad, 0249-154695088 * 10km, Gardey (pueblo de campo, balneario, arroyo chapaleufu), Vela (Historico, museos) , hay tren turistico los sábados * 20km del centro, pueblos de campo Azucena, De la canal, Paseos : (colectivo desde esquina hostal hasta cerca) Esparcimiento (colectivo desde esquina hostal hasta cerca) * bowling, carrefur-del valle (20 cuadras del hostal, 20 cuadras del centro) * Casino de Tandil Av. Buzón 23 4422075 (20 cuadras del centro) * Cine Center carrefur- Panamá 351 4422332 (20 cuadras del centro) * cine Espacio Incaa Irigoyen 660 (centro) * Balneario del Sol. Lago del Fuerte 0249- 4435697 Museos (colectivo desde esquina hostal hasta cerca, en zona centro) * Museo Tradicionalista Fuerte Independencia 4 de Abril 851 4435573 recomedable por su valor, tandil fue el primer fuerte para sacar mapuches * Todo Sobre Rieles 25 de Mayo 649 0249-4422900 info@todosobrerieles.com.ar * Museo de Bellas Artes Chacabuco 353 4432067 * Museo vehiculos de epoca Constitucion 835 249-4510872 muvetandil@yahoo.com.ar * Museo de Arte Religioso Santísimo Sacramento 4430760 * Casa de la Cultura Belgrano esq Rodriguez 0249-4433687 * Palacio municipal, patios Paseos y lugares naturales (a kilómetros el centro, no hay colectivos) *cerro centinela, piedra parada natural, aerosillas, paseo, comida, artesanos, 4 Km de centro * reserva del tigre, natural, ecológica, paseo de 3 Km, (auto o caminando) a 7 Km del centro 0249- 154482215 * cascada, cerro natural, con una caída agua, a 10km del centro * cerro de los pioneros, natural, paseo de 3 Km, (auto o caminando) a 3 Km de centro Arqueria reserva san francisco ruta 74 km desvio aguirre 4442132 La Paloma Ruta 226 Km 162,5 0249- 154545799 / 154531235 Granja Los Pibes Acceso a Quinta Belen , camino al cerro El Centiinela , 0249- 154545992/154601375 Aero Club Tandil Aeronautica Argentina y Circunvalacion 0249- 4424228 / 4422671 aeroclubtandil@uol.com.ar Club de Planeadores Tandil Ruta 74 camino a Ayacucho 0249- 4431243 / 154623178 * Alquiler de Bicicletas Estrada 2940 154634520 * Alquiler canoas Hernan Passo Lago del Fuerte 0249154330543 Horarios de Tren No esta funcionando, solo a Azul * Constitución - Tandil Martes y viernes: sale de Constitución: 17:00 - Llega a Tandil: 23:40 *Tandil - Constitución Miércoles y Domingo: sale de Tandil: 22:40 - Llega a Constitución: 06:00 *pagina informacion http://www.ferrobaires.gba.gov.ar Horarios de Colectivos http://www.omnilineas.com.ar/bus/retiro/tandil/ El Rápido Teléfono: 4442780-4425275-4423891 Origen Destino Salida Llegada Servicio Capital Federal Tandil 08:15 13:40 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 14:45 20:00 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 18:45 00:15 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 23:59 05:10 Lunes a Domingo Cóndor-Estrella Teléfono: 4426018 Origen Destino Salida Llegada Servicio Capital Federal Tandil 00:45 06:10 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 07:45 12:45 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 13:45 19:20 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 17:45 23:20 Lunes a Domingo Río ParanáTeléfono: Terminal Tandil 4424812-4442209 Origen Destino Salida Llegada Servicio Capital Federal Tandil 00:30 05:15 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 14:30 19:40 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 18:00 23:20 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 20:00 01:00 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 08:30 13:30 Sábado Horarios de Colectivos - Desde Tandil El Rápido Teléfono: 4442780-4425275-4423891 Origen Destino Salida Llegada Servicio Tandil Capital Federal 01:45 06:45 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Capital Federal 10:00 14:45 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Capital Federal 12:20 17:30 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Capital Federal 16:25 21:30 Lunes a Domingo Cóndor-Estrella Teléfono: 4426018 Origen Destino Salida Llegada Servicio Tandil Capital Federal 01:40 06:45 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Capital Federal 07:30 12:45 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Capital Federal 13:30 18:45 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Capital Federal 18:15 23:30 Lunes a Domingo Río Paraná Teléfono: Terminal Tandil 4424812-4442209 Origen Destino Salida Llegada Servicio Tandil Capital Federal 01:45 06:45 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Capital Federal 07:00 12:20 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Capital Federal 13:15 18:45 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Capital Federal 17:15 22:45 Lunes a Domingo Horarios de Colectivos - Desde Tandil Río Paraná Origen Destino Salida Llegada Servicio Tandil La Plata 01:40 06:40 Lunes a Domingo Tandil La Plata 01:50 07:30 Lunes a Domingo Tandil La Plata 02:00 07:00 Lunes a Domingo Tandil La Plata 06:00 11:20 Lunes a Domingo Tandil La Plata 13:40 19:20 Lunes a Domingo Tandil La Plata 15:00 20:30 Lunes a Domingo Tandil La Plata 04:30 10:50 Lunes, Miercoles, Viernes Tandil La Plata 17:15 22:40 Lunes a Viernes, Domingo Horarios de Colectivos - Desde Tandil Río Paraná Origen Destino Salida Llegada Servicio Tandil Bahía Blanca 02:50 08:10 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Bahía Blanca 13:00 19:10 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Bahía Blanca 17:45 23:45 Lunes a Domingo Tocá para a z z z z z z FAMILY PLACE, THE SIMPLE AND WARM FOOT Close · Movediza ¨ OWN TOURIST INFORMATION: GUIDANCE FOR POWER MOVE IN THIS CITY, WALKS ON ALTERNATIVE TO WALK, BIKE, car, HISTORICAL, CULTURAL, SO THEY CAN ENJOY.. modified American plan, bed and breakfast, B&B, guesthouse, half board, ensuite room, room shared bathroom, hostel, cheap, half board, lodging, accomodation FAMIGLIA LUOGO, la semplice e piede caldo Movediza · Chiudere ¨ TURISMO proprie informazioni: Guida per MOVE POWER IN QUESTA CITTÀ, PASSEGGIATE IN ALTERNATIVA AL piedi, in bicicletta, AUTO, Storico, culturale, modo che possano godere, luogo di soggiorno con bagno in camera, stanza da bagno in comune, ostello, pernottamento e prima colazione, Vacanze, economici, mezza pensione Rental dormis x day, -DUPLEX with bathroom private-, table, kitchen use, collective corner, to mt.de artisans and tourist confectionery Accommodation type Apartments inividual (shared kitchen for 3 dormis) BASIC SERVICE: WI-FI, bed sheets, PRIV BATH,. HEATER, WATER CAL., JABON liq., PAPER h., Table, dishes, patio-tender, chairs and pergola in backyard (Toilet every 3-4 days) * USE OF KITCHEN: (outside dormis) :. kitchen w / oven, utensils, cleaning SERVICES exras X DIA (optional) CLOSED PARKING yard AUTO request $ 40 x $ 20 x Moto * Towel and bath towel per stay $ 20 * Watchman and extra pillows $ 10 * Refrigerator (in the kitchen) $ 5 x person * FAN (if available.) $ 15 * Grill (chulengo) $ 30 * DVD movies if available. $ 40 * T.V. digital Open (16can) see list $ 10 +++ Recommendations - HOW TO GET THERE We are at the foot of the hill quicksand, (bar, artisans square), reaching the chapel turn right 1 block, is a neighborhood within the urban part. about 30 blocks at one end of the horseshoe. * Tandil is a city of 150,000 inhabitants. about 15Km. The tourism sector is a crescent around the commercial-historical center, Walks and tourist sector are not in the center, or casino or cinema, or dance, a few kilometers from the center to The terminal and train station are on the opposite side. in the non-tourist side of the center. There are taxis there, but better if you call this remis 0249 4451888 503 bus line (blue), SUMO http://www.gpssumo.com/ card system can be viewed online tours, and outlets, take 4 blocks of these (PASA BY TERMINAL-casino, area station, CORNER HOSTEL. Keep in mind that if you arrive at midnight no cabbages, it will be almost nothing open to eat, or casino-only terminal stations **** If you arrive by car to the city: From Route 3 and 30 (capital of south) or 2 and 74 or 29 and 74, 226 (north or Mar del Plata provinces, south), GET A roundabout route 30 and 226 ( industrial park) fold Av Eva Duarte, (then Av Lunghi) to the center about 15 blocks, turn right onto Alighieri (2nd stoplight), quicksand access, surround hill (bar, artisans square), reaching the chapel turn 1 block right From downtown: take into quicksand by Yrigoyen street (main square) to Av Del Valle, bends slightly to left of the tower to barracks, left 3 blocks to Av lunghi bends right until Alighieri (2nd stoplight), Should move along avenues, there are many hills cut by the lake, roads street. Care, GPS, the last 10 blocks ago reached by dirt road, look Avenue Lunghi as indicated Climate: Keep in mind that even in cool summer night, Clothing and comfortable shoes for walking and climbing stone. ++ See what interests them of activities and sights of the page, give information gastronomy, timetables, and ways to move, so they can take advantage of each place. We are Sandra, Gustavo and Ignacio: This project was born after years of experience and talking with thousands of tourists The world in our bowling chopped (country style). A family hostel, in our house, at the foot of the hill, in a quiet place. ** If you want to walk without dangers Smelling grass and wildflowers Listen birds and children playing hoteles tandil tarifas precios, turismo precios alojarse barato. hospedaje economicos, hostal estilo campo en tandil. mapa turistico, tarifas vacaciones, mapas, alojamiento precios pensión familiar, Habitaciones, alquiler, residencia, residencial, albergue, refugio, casa de familia. 2017, precios hotel] [tandil turismo hoteles] [tandil turismo alojamiento] [tandil turismo hostel] [tandil turismo hostal] [tandil alojamiento barato] [tandil alojamiento economico] [tandil hotel barato] [tandil hotel] [tandil hotel tarifas] [tandil hotel precios] [tandil hotel economico] [tandil hoteles barato] [tandil hoteles] [tandil hoteles tarifas] [tandil hoteles precios] [tandil hoteles economico] [tandil hostel] [tandil hostal] [tandil hosteria] [tandil hospedaje] [tandil hospedaje barato] [tandil tarifas] [tandil precios] [tandil alojamiento tarifas] [tandil alojamiento precios] [tandil alojamiento barato] [tandil alojamiento economico] [tandil tarifas alojamiento] [tandil paquetes] [tandil nuenos aires] argentina tandil buenos aires tandil paquete turistico 2012 paquetes turisticos 2011 mapas viaje a tandil [tandil turismo precios] [tandil turismo tarifas] [turismo tandil alojamiento] [turismo tandil hotel] [turismo tandil precios] Albergue, alojamiento, estancia, acogida, hotel, hostería, hostal, pensión, parador, fonda, posada, hospedería, hostería. Viajar, peregrinar, andar, volar, trasladarse, desplazarse, explorar, pasear. caminar, marchar, circular, conducir, llevar, salir, airearse. tarifa tasa, coste, precio, importe, arancel, honorarios barato asequible, económico, módico, rebajado, descuento, deducción, rebaja, abaratamiento, abono, compensación, arrendamiento, arriendo, locación, renta, inquilinato. cabaña economica sencilla barata donde hospedarse en tandil. feriado largo: dep p dia tandil economicos cerca de la terminal tren. cuanto sale el hospedaje en tandil albergue la movediza tandil alojamiento con media pension en tandil 2 estrellas en efectivo ARMADO DE RECORRIDO Y PLANO chapel and collective If you want to walk without danger, smell fragrant trees, taste local produce, hear birds and children playing ... want to come to Tandil. A large and vibrant city with lots of rides and activities at 15 km between its hills and valleys good bed, good towels, full homemade breakfast Dining room with refrigerator,microwave, disc plow and crockery, Waste Disposal can bring your food and drink, for the DVD if you can bring movies Dinner, lunch optional express. tours and packages (see) RATES (with breakfast) AND PROMOS-(RUN DOWN THE PAGE) - Prices are total per room or per package not per person. SEE PRICE, (tours, dinner, etc..) 10 to 20% discount and chopped gift for more than 2 nights Signs (to ensure availability): deposits, credit cards (Payment Market) see signs We work with early booking if you wish to stay without a reservation remember that it is available 24 hours a hotel, so we do not ensure availability, or discounts SERVICE - MENU (RUN DOWN THE PAGE) It consists of a block of rooms (briefly March 1 with privat., And a hall bath for 1 or the 2 remaining) Backyard: pool laundry, tender, disc plow, tables, seating, plow, tank rim Parking patio tables, chairs Living-dining room (for breakfast or dinner served, or if you want to use with your own food or entertainment) (briefly behind the parking lot outside the room block.) Full homemade breakfast (abundant, included) (see menu) Fan, WIFI, Hot water 24 hours Free parking (enclosed patio, 2 gates) Includes clothing, towels, daily cleaning Central heating in hall Lounge: radio, T.V. DVD and USB (you can bring your movies) crockery, refrigerator, microwave ice, warm water to drink (mate) and cold, bottles, at no cost Patio tables and hall Barbecue disk plow TOURIST INFORMATION OWN (for full enjoyment of the city) You can ask local phone calls and internet Optional: Lunch / Dinner Express, Full Dinner Getting there-RUN DOWN THE PAGE Tandil is a city of 150,000 inhabitants. large size (15Km.) usually walks to 2, 5 or 10 miles from downtown, shifting to 30 blocks at one end of the ¨ ¨ that are horseshoe alrredor the hills of the center. The bus terminal is about 20 c. on other side Avenues should move, there are many street cuts through the hills lake roads. If your vehicle arrives at the outskirts of the city should go directly to the hostel from Route 30 and do not cross inside. Tourism information is in Calvary Avenue and Route 226, terminal, and parking downtown. ** By bus: from terminal bus 503 (blue) is taken in the casino (4 blocks) through the center (30 blocks) and get off at shifting (chapel) at 50 meters from the hostel colecitvo center 503 (blue) July 9th street, down in quicksand (chapel) micros from liniers-retirement tourism park, rio parana, star http://www.omnilineas.com.ar/bus/retiro/tandil/ ** By car: From Route 3 or 74 or 226, you get to Route 30 (industrial park) turn toward the center about 15 blocks down Av Eva Duarte, then Av Lunghi, turn right onto Alighieri (2nd light), shifting access) , surrounding hill (bar, square artisans), Cruz Santa Cruz, in the chapel right down to 50 meters ** From downtown, take into quicksand by Yrigoyen street (main square and city) to av the valley (Carrefur) bends slightly to left of the tower to barracks, left 3 blocks to Av Lunghi Turn right (traffic light), turn Alighieri left (2nd traffic light, shifting access), surrounding hill (bar, square artisans), in the chapel right down to 50 meters PAGINA BAJA TEMR AltA (vacaciones y feriados) CONSULTE DESCUENTOS CON SERVICIOS. PAQUETES CON DESAY. O CENA POR ESTADIA LARGAS POR MAS DE 1 HABITACION Vea CROQUIS de HABIT. *BAÑO PRIVADO (X dia, P/2 PERSONAS) BASICO $160 ($80x pers.) *BAÑO PRIV abaio. hab arriba (P/2 PERS) §)DÍneroM8¡l BASICO $130 ($65x pers.) OPCIONALES ($10 x pers.) TOALLAS Y JABON. ESTACIONAMIENTO. ?P~ USO PARRILLA O DISCOS, USO COCINA Y VAJILL/ * Desayuno ($1 x pers.) En resrvas antic. Cena ($ x pers.) En resrvas antic. Vea SERVICIO Feriados: son por paquete, con seña 50% TARIFAS: consulte TARJETAS SERVICE - MENU (RUN DOWN THE PAGE) Backyard: pool laundry, tender, disc plow, tables, seating, plow, tank rim Parking patio tables, chairs Living-dining room (for breakfast or dinner served, or if you want to use with your own food or entertainment) (briefly behind the parking lot outside the room block.) Full homemade breakfast (abundant, included) (see menu) Fan, WIFI, Hot water 24 hours Free parking (enclosed patio, 2 gates) Includes clothing, towels, daily cleaning Central heating in hall Lounge: radio, T.V. DVD and USB (you can bring your movies) crockery, refrigerator, microwave ice, warm water to drink (mate) and cold, bottles, at no cost Patio tables and hall Barbecue disk plow TOURIST INFORMATION OWN (for full enjoyment of the city) You can ask local phone calls and internet Optional: Lunch / Dinner Express, Full Dinner Getting there-RUN DOWN THE PAGE Tandil is a city of 150,000 inhabitants. large size (15Km.) usually walks to 2, 5 or 10 miles from downtown, shifting to 30 blocks at one end of the ¨ ¨ that are horseshoe alrredor the hills of the center. The bus terminal is about 20 c. on other side Avenues should move, there are many street cuts through the hills lake roads. If your vehicle arrives at the outskirts of the city should go directly to the hostel from Route 30 and do not cross inside. Tourism information is in Calvary Avenue and Route 226, terminal, and parking downtown. ** By bus: from terminal bus 503 (blue) is taken in the casino (4 blocks) through the center (30 blocks) and get off at shifting (chapel) at 50 meters from the hostel colecitvo center 503 (blue) July 9th street, down in quicksand (chapel) micros from liniers-retirement tourism park, rio parana, star http://www.omnilineas.com.ar/bus/retiro/tandil/ ** By car: From Route 3 or 74 or 226, you get to Route 30 (industrial park) turn toward the center about 15 blocks down Av Eva Duarte, then Av Lunghi, turn right onto Alighieri (2nd light), shifting access) , surrounding hill (bar, square artisans), Cruz Santa Cruz, in the chapel right down to 50 meters ** From downtown, take into quicksand by Yrigoyen street (main square and city) to av the valley (Carrefur) bends slightly to left of the tower to barracks, left 3 blocks to Av Lunghi Turn right (traffic light), turn Alighieri left (2nd traffic light, shifting access), surrounding hill (bar, square artisans), in the chapel right down to 50 meters z z alquiler temporario x dia tandil alquileres por dia alquiler turistico tandil hospedaje por dia en tandil cabañas por dia en tandil para alquilar en tandil fin de semana largo departamentos en alquiler temporario en tandil pagina traducida In the moving-A meters of the hill, artisans, plazas, Playon sports, health center, chapel and collective If you want to walk without danger, smell fragrant trees, taste local produce, hear birds and children playing ... want to come to Tandil. A large and vibrant city with lots of rides and activities at 15 km between its hills and valleys good bed, good towels, full homemade breakfast Dining room with refrigerator, microwave, disc plow and crockery, Waste Disposal can bring your food and drink, for the DVD if you can bring movies Dinner, lunch optional express. tours and packages (see) RATES (with breakfast) AND PROMOS-(RUN DOWN THE PAGE) - Prices are total per room or per package not per person. SEE PRICE, (tours, dinner, etc..) 10 to 20% discount and chopped gift for more than 2 nights Signs (to ensure availability): deposits, credit cards (Payment Market) see signs We work with early booking if you wish to stay without a reservation remember that it is available 24 hours a hotel, so we do not ensure availability, or discounts SERVICE - MENU (RUN DOWN THE PAGE) It consists of a block of rooms (briefly March 1 with privat., And a hall bath for 1 or the 2 remaining) Backyard: pool laundry, tender, disc plow, tables, seating, plow, tank rim Parking patio tables, chairs Living-dining room (for breakfast or dinner served, or if you want to use with your own food or entertainment) (briefly behind the parking lot outside the room block.) Full homemade breakfast (abundant, included) (see menu) Fan, WIFI, Hot water 24 hours Free parking (enclosed patio, 2 gates) Includes clothing, towels, daily cleaning Central heating in hall Lounge: radio, T.V. DVD and USB (you can bring your movies) crockery, refrigerator, microwave ice, warm water to drink (mate) and cold, bottles, at no cost Patio tables and hall Barbecue disk plow TOURIST INFORMATION OWN (for full enjoyment of the city) You can ask local phone calls and internet Optional: Lunch / Dinner Express, Full Dinner Getting there-RUN DOWN THE PAGE Tandil is a city of 150,000 inhabitants. large size (15Km.) usually walks to 2, 5 or 10 miles from downtown, shifting to 30 blocks at one end of the ¨ ¨ that are horseshoe alrredor the hills of the center. The bus terminal is about 20 c. on other side Avenues should move, there are many street cuts through the hills lake roads. If your vehicle arrives at the outskirts of the city should go directly to the hostel from Route 30 and do not cross inside. Tourism information is in Calvary Avenue and Route 226, terminal, and parking downtown. ** By bus: from terminal bus 503 (blue) is taken in the casino (4 blocks) through the center (30 blocks) and get off at shifting (chapel) at 50 meters from the hostel colecitvo center 503 (blue) July 9th street, down in quicksand (chapel) micros from liniers-retirement tourism park, rio parana, star http://www.omnilineas.com.ar/bus/retiro/tandil/ ** By car: From Route 3 or 74 or 226, you get to Route 30 (industrial park) turn toward the center about 15 blocks down Av Eva Duarte, then Av Lunghi, turn right onto Alighieri (2nd light), shifting access) , surrounding hill (bar, square artisans), Cruz Santa Cruz, in the chapel right down to 50 meters ** From downtown, take into quicksand by Yrigoyen street (main square and city) to av the valley (Carrefur) bends slightly to left of the tower to barracks, left 3 blocks to Av Lunghi Turn right (traffic light), turn Alighieri left (2nd traffic light, shifting access), surrounding hill (bar, square artisans), in the chapel right down to 50 meters ROMO feriado contratando hasta el 30 9 julio (con seña efectivo) 2 noches Servicio basico + TV, heladera, y Estacionamiento QUEDAN: Para 2 PERS. $1000 O Para 3 PERS. $1250 ENVIAR MENSAJE PRIVADO PROMO feriado 9 julio (con seña efectivo) 2 noches, Servicio basico + TV, heladera, y Estacionamiento 2 PERS. $1000 3 PERS. $1250 4 PERS. $1500 PROMO carnaval y semana santa: reserva ant. * 3 noches, Serv. basico, incluido toallas y 1 ventilador y tv. 2 PERS. $1100 3 PERS. $1400 4 PERS. $ 1600 5 PERS. $1900 PROMO semana santa: * 3 noches, Serv. basico, incluido toallas y 1 ventilador y tv. 2 PERS. $1100 3 PERS. $1500 4 PERS. $ 1800 5 PERS. $2000 PROMO verano: * 3 noches, Serv. basico, incluido toallas y 1 ventilador 2 PERS. $900 3 PERS. $1080 4 PERS. $ 1240 5 PERS. $1450 * 5 noches, Serv. basico, incluido toallas y 1 ventilador 2 PERS. $ 1450 3 PERS. $ 1800 4 PERS. $ 2100 5 PERS. $2350 PROMO FERIADOS: 23 noviembre (horarios entrada y salida flexibles) Con reserva anticipada, torta casera y frasco de dulce casero de REGALO 2 noches-3 dias , Servicio basico, incluido toallas 2 PERS. $750 3 PERS. $900 4 PERS., $1150 5 PERS. $1300 FERIADO 7 diciembre (horarios entrada y salida flexibles) Con reserva anticipada, torta casera y frasco de dulce casero de REGALO 3 noches, Servicio basico, incluido toallas 2 PERS. $850 3 PERS. $1050 4 PERS., $1350 5 PERS. $1500 FERIADO 17 agosto (horarios entrada y salida flexibles) 2 noches, Servicio basico, incluido: uso Kitchinet, y toallas 3 PERS. $880 PROMOS: Otoño-invierno (no feriados, ni vacaciones), (ideal para findes, o para venir en tren, vie. a dom.) 2 noches, Servicio basico, incluido: uso Kitchinet, y toallas 2 PERS. $420 3 PERS. $550 4 PERS., $700 5 PERS. $800 5 noches, Servicio basico, , incluido: uso Kitchinet, y toallas (ideal para venir en tren, mar. a dom. O vie. a mierc.) 2 PERS. $1000 3 PERS. $1320 4 PERS., $1700 5 PERS. $1900 Invierno (Vacaciones) 3 noches, Servicio basico, incluido: uso Kitchinet, y toallas 2 PERS. $790 3 PERS. $920 4 PERS., $1280 5 PERS. $1500 PROMO FERIADOS: 1 ó 25 de mayo, 2 noches, (horarios entrada y salida flexibles) con estacionamiento, uso cocina y TOALLAS 2 PERS. $580 3 PERS. $750 4 PERS., $910 5 PERS. $1030 3 PERS. $1070 4 PERS., $1400 Verano 2015, 3 noches, con uso cocina y TOALLAS servicio basico $630, FERIADOS: Carnaval o 24 marzo o semana santa 3 noches, con uso cocina y TOALLAS 2 PERS. $850 Vea Promos otoño (desde 1/3, excepto feriados) verano 2015 3 noches con uso cocina y TOALLAS 2 pers. servicio basico $630, 3 pers. servicio basico $ 810, 4 pers. servicio basico $ 1020 5 pers. servicio basico $ 1170, FERIADOS: 24 marzo o semana santa 3 noches, (horarios entrada y salida flexibles) con uso cocina y TOALLAS 2 PERS. $850 3 PERS. $1070 4 PERS., $1400 5 PERS. $1600 Temporada baja (hasta 25/12/2014) (precios estimados, x dia) 2 PERS BAÑO PRIV BASICO $180 x dormi 3 PERS BAÑO PRIV BASICO $240 x dormi 4 PERS BAÑO PRIV BASICO $300 x dormi 5 PERS BAÑO PRIV BASICO $350 x dormi http://www.ferrobaires.gba.gov.ar/index.html FERIADOS NAVIDAD Y AÑO NUEVO, 3 noches, (horarios entrada y salida flexibles) con ESTACIONAMIENTO, TOALLAS Y USO DE COCINA 2 PERS. Servicio basico + Desayuno + $850 4 PERS., Servicio basico + Desayuno $1400 hasta 25/12/2014, 3 noches con ESTACIONAMIENTO Y TOALLAS GRATIS 2 pers. servicio basico $ 540 3 pers. servicio basico $ 720 4 pers. servicio basico $ 900 FERIADO 22/11 2 noches, (horarios entrada y salida flexibles) FERIADO 8/12 2 noches, (horarios entrada y salida flexibles) 2 PERS. hab baño priv. Servicio basico + Desayuno $600 4 PERS., 2 HABIT. 1 Baño priv Servicio basico + Desayuno $990 FERIADO agosto 2 noches/ 3 dias: 2 PERS. hab baño priv. Desayuno y CENA $940 ** 2 PERS. hab baño priv. Desayuno $740 *** 2 PERS. hab baño priv. Serv basico $680 Servicio: WI-FI, T.V. digital Abierta 1 Calefactor o 1 ventilador Baño priv. Agua cal. 24 hs. Sábanas, frazada, acolchado, almohada, Mesas, * USO COCINA (Afuera dormis) horno, utensillos, Vajilla y heladera Opcionales Tocá ver ampliado promos Servicios Extras Tocá ver ampliado promos Dormis:Tocá para ampliar ver ampliado croquis Precios y Promos Azucenas 2 Personas: servicio: Violestas 3 Personas: servicio: Margaritas 4 Personas:servicio: (NO feriados, vacaciones ni eventos) (ver extras) * Camita catre o colchón extra: * Mascotas:(en excepciones) * Bebes: duermen con padres no se cobra * Horario: entrada desde 12 hs. Salida: hasta 11.00 hs. Tocá ver promos 1 ver ampliado promos Tocá ver promos 2 ver ampliado promos Reservas: Con seña 50%, Deposito o Tarjetas:(email anticipado), resto al entrar) ASEGURAMOS Estadía, Precio y Descuentos SIN SEÑA: por orden de llegada, no aseguramos, una noche sola no tomamos seña ** Deposito: Sin costo, caja ahorro banco prov. bs. as. ** Tarjetas: Sistema electronico (anticipación) gasto de aprox 7-8%, Mandamos un Link a su nombre y usted gestiona el pago, Sistema Tocá leer Medios Tocá ver ** Locales de pago: gasto de aprox 7-10 % **CANCELACIONES: LAS SEÑAS NO SERAN REEMBOLSABLES Hasta dias 7 antes, podrán ser REPROGRAMADAS a otra fecha Feriados y eventos: paquetes especiales Bueno, Bonito, Barato... recomendalo [Compartir por whatsapp] - aCompartilo Llegar-Tandil-Clima Resultado de imagen para icon tren Chubut 1940 Al pie de la Movediza, llegar a capilla (en el cerro) Girar a derecha 1 cuadra. Es un barrio. a 30 cuadras del centro, en una punta del sector turistico que es una media luna alrededor del centro histórico. Lugares turisticos 2 a 5 km del centro, todos son naturales (libre-gratis). Terminal y Estación de tren, Casino, cine, bailables, patios Carrefour, estan en el lateral no turisticos. Recomendaciones Terminal y estación de tren: Hay taxis ahí, pero mejor si llama este remis 0249 4451888 Colectivo linea 503 (azul), sistema tarjeta SUMO http://www.gpssumo.com/ se puede ver en linea los recorridos, y puntos de venta, se toma a 4 cuadras de estas (PASA POR TERMINAL-CASINO, CENTRO, zona estacion, ESQUINA DEL HOSTAL. Tener en cuenta si llegan a medianoche no hay colectivos, ni casi nada abierto para comer, solo estaciones o casino-terminal Clima: aun en verano refresca de noche, Vestimenta y zapatos comodos para caminar y subir piedra. ++ ver intereses, actividades y paseos de la pagina, damos información de gastronomia, horarios, y formas de moverse, para que puedan aprovechar cada lugar. Desde ruta 3 y 30 (sur capital) o 2 y 74 o 29 y 74, 226 (provincias norte o Mar del plata, sur) , LLEGAR A rotonda ruta 30 y 226 (parque industrial) doblar por Av Eva Duarte, (luego Av Lunghi) hacia el centro unas 15 cuadras, doblar a derecha en Alighieri (2do SEMAFORO), Acceso movediza, rodear cerro (bar, plaza artesanos), llegar a la capilla girar a la derecha 1 cuadra Desde centro: tomar hacia movediza por calle Yrigoyen (Plaza principal) hasta av Del valle, dobla levemente a izquierda a De la torre hasta cuarteles, izquierda 3 cuadras hasta Av lunghi dobla a derecha, hasta Alighieri (2do SEMAFORO), Conviene moverse por avenidas, hay muchas calle cortadas por los cerros lago, vias. ACTIVIDADES SUGERIDAS Cerca del hostal: (consultenos por detalles) Todos son lugares libres, gratuitos (en horarios diurnos) *1 cuadra, cerro movediza, piedra replica, paseo, comida, artesanos, capilla, centro deportes, centro salud, plazas *5 cuadras, antiguas vias y cantera, caminos rurales, bosques, arroyitos, para hacer en bici, caminando *7 cuadras, plaza con avión Mirage (Malvinas) * 3km, cerro leones, pueblito con boliche tipo pulperia, canteras, lagunas, hay colectivo * 6km, cerro de la Virgen, hermita de shoenstad, 0249-154695088 * 10km, Gardey (pueblo de campo, balneario, arroyo chapaleufu), Vela (Historico, museos) , hay tren turistico los sábados * 20km del centro, pueblos de campo Azucena, De la canal, Paseos : (colectivo desde esquina hostal hasta cerca) Esparcimiento (colectivo desde esquina hostal hasta cerca) * bowling, carrefur-del valle (20 cuadras del hostal, 20 cuadras del centro) * Casino de Tandil Av. Buzón 23 4422075 (20 cuadras del centro) * Cine Center carrefur- Panamá 351 4422332 (20 cuadras del centro) * cine Espacio Incaa Irigoyen 660 (centro) * Balneario del Sol. Lago del Fuerte 0249- 4435697 Museos (colectivo desde esquina hostal hasta cerca, en zona centro) * Museo Tradicionalista Fuerte Independencia 4 de Abril 851 4435573 recomedable por su valor, tandil fue el primer fuerte para sacar mapuches * Todo Sobre Rieles 25 de Mayo 649 0249-4422900 info@todosobrerieles.com.ar * Museo de Bellas Artes Chacabuco 353 4432067 * Museo vehiculos de epoca Constitucion 835 249-4510872 muvetandil@yahoo.com.ar * Museo de Arte Religioso Santísimo Sacramento 4430760 * Casa de la Cultura Belgrano esq Rodriguez 0249-4433687 * Palacio municipal, patios Paseos y lugares naturales (a kilómetros el centro, no hay colectivos) *cerro centinela, piedra parada natural, aerosillas, paseo, comida, artesanos, 4 Km de centro * reserva del tigre, natural, ecológica, paseo de 3 Km, (auto o caminando) a 7 Km del centro 0249- 154482215 * cascada, cerro natural, con una caída agua, a 10km del centro * cerro de los pioneros, natural, paseo de 3 Km, (auto o caminando) a 3 Km de centro Arqueria reserva san francisco ruta 74 km desvio aguirre 4442132 La Paloma Ruta 226 Km 162,5 0249- 154545799 / 154531235 Granja Los Pibes Acceso a Quinta Belen , camino al cerro El Centiinela , 0249- 154545992/154601375 Aero Club Tandil Aeronautica Argentina y Circunvalacion 0249- 4424228 / 4422671 aeroclubtandil@uol.com.ar Club de Planeadores Tandil Ruta 74 camino a Ayacucho 0249- 4431243 / 154623178 * Alquiler de Bicicletas Estrada 2940 154634520 * Alquiler canoas Hernan Passo Lago del Fuerte 0249154330543 Horarios de Tren No esta funcionando, solo a Azul * Constitución - Tandil Martes y viernes: sale de Constitución: 17:00 - Llega a Tandil: 23:40 *Tandil - Constitución Miércoles y Domingo: sale de Tandil: 22:40 - Llega a Constitución: 06:00 *pagina informacion http://www.ferrobaires.gba.gov.ar Horarios de Colectivos http://www.omnilineas.com.ar/bus/retiro/tandil/ El Rápido Teléfono: 4442780-4425275-4423891 Origen Destino Salida Llegada Servicio Capital Federal Tandil 08:15 13:40 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 14:45 20:00 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 18:45 00:15 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 23:59 05:10 Lunes a Domingo Cóndor-Estrella Teléfono: 4426018 Origen Destino Salida Llegada Servicio Capital Federal Tandil 00:45 06:10 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 07:45 12:45 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 13:45 19:20 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 17:45 23:20 Lunes a Domingo Río ParanáTeléfono: Terminal Tandil 4424812-4442209 Origen Destino Salida Llegada Servicio Capital Federal Tandil 00:30 05:15 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 14:30 19:40 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 18:00 23:20 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 20:00 01:00 Lunes a Domingo Capital Federal Tandil 08:30 13:30 Sábado Horarios de Colectivos - Desde Tandil El Rápido Teléfono: 4442780-4425275-4423891 Origen Destino Salida Llegada Servicio Tandil Capital Federal 01:45 06:45 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Capital Federal 10:00 14:45 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Capital Federal 12:20 17:30 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Capital Federal 16:25 21:30 Lunes a Domingo Cóndor-Estrella Teléfono: 4426018 Origen Destino Salida Llegada Servicio Tandil Capital Federal 01:40 06:45 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Capital Federal 07:30 12:45 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Capital Federal 13:30 18:45 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Capital Federal 18:15 23:30 Lunes a Domingo Río Paraná Teléfono: Terminal Tandil 4424812-4442209 Origen Destino Salida Llegada Servicio Tandil Capital Federal 01:45 06:45 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Capital Federal 07:00 12:20 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Capital Federal 13:15 18:45 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Capital Federal 17:15 22:45 Lunes a Domingo Horarios de Colectivos - Desde Tandil Río Paraná Origen Destino Salida Llegada Servicio Tandil La Plata 01:40 06:40 Lunes a Domingo Tandil La Plata 01:50 07:30 Lunes a Domingo Tandil La Plata 02:00 07:00 Lunes a Domingo Tandil La Plata 06:00 11:20 Lunes a Domingo Tandil La Plata 13:40 19:20 Lunes a Domingo Tandil La Plata 15:00 20:30 Lunes a Domingo Tandil La Plata 04:30 10:50 Lunes, Miercoles, Viernes Tandil La Plata 17:15 22:40 Lunes a Viernes, Domingo Horarios de Colectivos - Desde Tandil Río Paraná Origen Destino Salida Llegada Servicio Tandil Bahía Blanca 02:50 08:10 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Bahía Blanca 13:00 19:10 Lunes a Domingo Tandil Bahía Blanca 17:45 23:45 Lunes a Domingo Tocá para a z z z z z z FAMILY PLACE, THE SIMPLE AND WARM FOOT Close · Movediza ¨ OWN TOURIST INFORMATION: GUIDANCE FOR POWER MOVE IN THIS CITY, WALKS ON ALTERNATIVE TO WALK, BIKE, car, HISTORICAL, CULTURAL, SO THEY CAN ENJOY.. modified American plan, bed and breakfast, B&B, guesthouse, half board, ensuite room, room shared bathroom, hostel, cheap, half board, lodging, accomodation FAMIGLIA LUOGO, la semplice e piede caldo Movediza · Chiudere ¨ TURISMO proprie informazioni: Guida per MOVE POWER IN QUESTA CITTÀ, PASSEGGIATE IN ALTERNATIVA AL piedi, in bicicletta, AUTO, Storico, culturale, modo che possano godere, luogo di soggiorno con bagno in camera, stanza da bagno in comune, ostello, pernottamento e prima colazione, Vacanze, economici, mezza pensione Rental dormis x day, -DUPLEX with bathroom private-, table, kitchen use, collective corner, to mt.de artisans and tourist confectionery Accommodation type Apartments inividual (shared kitchen for 3 dormis) BASIC SERVICE: WI-FI, bed sheets, PRIV BATH,. HEATER, WATER CAL., JABON liq., PAPER h., Table, dishes, patio-tender, chairs and pergola in backyard (Toilet every 3-4 days) * USE OF KITCHEN: (outside dormis) :. kitchen w / oven, utensils, cleaning SERVICES exras X DIA (optional) CLOSED PARKING yard AUTO request $ 40 x $ 20 x Moto * Towel and bath towel per stay $ 20 * Watchman and extra pillows $ 10 * Refrigerator (in the kitchen) $ 5 x person * FAN (if available.) $ 15 * Grill (chulengo) $ 30 * DVD movies if available. $ 40 * T.V. digital Open (16can) see list $ 10 +++ Recommendations - HOW TO GET THERE We are at the foot of the hill quicksand, (bar, artisans square), reaching the chapel turn right 1 block, is a neighborhood within the urban part. about 30 blocks at one end of the horseshoe. * Tandil is a city of 150,000 inhabitants. about 15Km. The tourism sector is a crescent around the commercial-historical center, Walks and tourist sector are not in the center, or casino or cinema, or dance, a few kilometers from the center to The terminal and train station are on the opposite side. in the non-tourist side of the center. There are taxis there, but better if you call this remis 0249 4451888 503 bus line (blue), SUMO http://www.gpssumo.com/ card system can be viewed online tours, and outlets, take 4 blocks of these (PASA BY TERMINAL-casino, area station, CORNER HOSTEL. Keep in mind that if you arrive at midnight no cabbages, it will be almost nothing open to eat, or casino-only terminal stations **** If you arrive by car to the city: From Route 3 and 30 (capital of south) or 2 and 74 or 29 and 74, 226 (north or Mar del Plata provinces, south), GET A roundabout route 30 and 226 ( industrial park) fold Av Eva Duarte, (then Av Lunghi) to the center about 15 blocks, turn right onto Alighieri (2nd stoplight), quicksand access, surround hill (bar, artisans square), reaching the chapel turn 1 block right From downtown: take into quicksand by Yrigoyen street (main square) to Av Del Valle, bends slightly to left of the tower to barracks, left 3 blocks to Av lunghi bends right until Alighieri (2nd stoplight), Should move along avenues, there are many hills cut by the lake, roads street. Care, GPS, the last 10 blocks ago reached by dirt road, look Avenue Lunghi as indicated Climate: Keep in mind that even in cool summer night, Clothing and comfortable shoes for walking and climbing stone. ++ See what interests them of activities and sights of the page, give information gastronomy, timetables, and ways to move, so they can take advantage of each place. We are Sandra, Gustavo and Ignacio: This project was born after years of experience and talking with thousands of tourists The world in our bowling chopped (country style). A family hostel, in our house, at the foot of the hill, in a quiet place. ** If you want to walk without dangers Smelling grass and wildflowers Listen birds and children playing hoteles tandil tarifas precios, turismo precios alojarse barato. hospedaje economicos, hostal estilo campo en tandil. mapa turistico, tarifas vacaciones, mapas, alojamiento precios pensión familiar, Habitaciones, alquiler, residencia, residencial, albergue, refugio, casa de familia. 2017, precios hotel] [tandil turismo hoteles] [tandil turismo alojamiento] [tandil turismo hostel] [tandil turismo hostal] [tandil alojamiento barato] [tandil alojamiento economico] [tandil hotel barato] [tandil hotel] [tandil hotel tarifas] [tandil hotel precios] [tandil hotel economico] [tandil hoteles barato] [tandil hoteles] [tandil hoteles tarifas] [tandil hoteles precios] [tandil hoteles economico] [tandil hostel] [tandil hostal] [tandil hosteria] [tandil hospedaje] [tandil hospedaje barato] [tandil tarifas] [tandil precios] [tandil alojamiento tarifas] [tandil alojamiento precios] [tandil alojamiento barato] [tandil alojamiento economico] [tandil tarifas alojamiento] [tandil paquetes] [tandil nuenos aires] argentina tandil buenos aires tandil paquete turistico 2012 paquetes turisticos 2011 mapas viaje a tandil [tandil turismo precios] [tandil turismo tarifas] [turismo tandil alojamiento] [turismo tandil hotel] [turismo tandil precios] Albergue, alojamiento, estancia, acogida, hotel, hostería, hostal, pensión, parador, fonda, posada, hospedería, hostería. Viajar, peregrinar, andar, volar, trasladarse, desplazarse, explorar, pasear. caminar, marchar, circular, conducir, llevar, salir, airearse. tarifa tasa, coste, precio, importe, arancel, honorarios barato asequible, económico, módico, rebajado, descuento, deducción, rebaja, abaratamiento, abono, compensación, arrendamiento, arriendo, locación, renta, inquilinato. cabaña economica sencilla barata donde hospedarse en tandil. feriado largo: dep p dia tandil economicos cerca de la terminal tren. cuanto sale el hospedaje en tandil albergue la movediza tandil alojamiento con media pension en tandil 2 estrellas en efectivo ARMADO DE RECORRIDO Y PLANO chapel and collective If you want to walk without danger, smell fragrant trees, taste local produce, hear birds and children playing ... want to come to Tandil. A large and vibrant city with lots of rides and activities at 15 km between its hills and valleys good bed, good towels, full homemade breakfast Dining room with refrigerator,microwave, disc plow and crockery, Waste Disposal can bring your food and drink, for the DVD if you can bring movies Dinner, lunch optional express. tours and packages (see) RATES (with breakfast) AND PROMOS-(RUN DOWN THE PAGE) - Prices are total per room or per package not per person. SEE PRICE, (tours, dinner, etc..) 10 to 20% discount and chopped gift for more than 2 nights Signs (to ensure availability): deposits, credit cards (Payment Market) see signs We work with early booking if you wish to stay without a reservation remember that it is available 24 hours a hotel, so we do not ensure availability, or discounts SERVICE - MENU (RUN DOWN THE PAGE) It consists of a block of rooms (briefly March 1 with privat., And a hall bath for 1 or the 2 remaining) Backyard: pool laundry, tender, disc plow, tables, seating, plow, tank rim Parking patio tables, chairs Living-dining room (for breakfast or dinner served, or if you want to use with your own food or entertainment) (briefly behind the parking lot outside the room block.) Full homemade breakfast (abundant, included) (see menu) Fan, WIFI, Hot water 24 hours Free parking (enclosed patio, 2 gates) Includes clothing, towels, daily cleaning Central heating in hall Lounge: radio, T.V. DVD and USB (you can bring your movies) crockery, refrigerator, microwave ice, warm water to drink (mate) and cold, bottles, at no cost Patio tables and hall Barbecue disk plow TOURIST INFORMATION OWN (for full enjoyment of the city) You can ask local phone calls and internet Optional: Lunch / Dinner Express, Full Dinner Getting there-RUN DOWN THE PAGE Tandil is a city of 150,000 inhabitants. large size (15Km.) usually walks to 2, 5 or 10 miles from downtown, shifting to 30 blocks at one end of the ¨ ¨ that are horseshoe alrredor the hills of the center. The bus terminal is about 20 c. on other side Avenues should move, there are many street cuts through the hills lake roads. If your vehicle arrives at the outskirts of the city should go directly to the hostel from Route 30 and do not cross inside. Tourism information is in Calvary Avenue and Route 226, terminal, and parking downtown. ** By bus: from terminal bus 503 (blue) is taken in the casino (4 blocks) through the center (30 blocks) and get off at shifting (chapel) at 50 meters from the hostel colecitvo center 503 (blue) July 9th street, down in quicksand (chapel) micros from liniers-retirement tourism park, rio parana, star http://www.omnilineas.com.ar/bus/retiro/tandil/ ** By car: From Route 3 or 74 or 226, you get to Route 30 (industrial park) turn toward the center about 15 blocks down Av Eva Duarte, then Av Lunghi, turn right onto Alighieri (2nd light), shifting access) , surrounding hill (bar, square artisans), Cruz Santa Cruz, in the chapel right down to 50 meters ** From downtown, take into quicksand by Yrigoyen street (main square and city) to av the valley (Carrefur) bends slightly to left of the tower to barracks, left 3 blocks to Av Lunghi Turn right (traffic light), turn Alighieri left (2nd traffic light, shifting access), surrounding hill (bar, square artisans), in the chapel right down to 50 meters PAGINA BAJA TEMR AltA (vacaciones y feriados) CONSULTE DESCUENTOS CON SERVICIOS. PAQUETES CON DESAY. O CENA POR ESTADIA LARGAS POR MAS DE 1 HABITACION Vea CROQUIS de HABIT. *BAÑO PRIVADO (X dia, P/2 PERSONAS) BASICO $160 ($80x pers.) *BAÑO PRIV abaio. hab arriba (P/2 PERS) §)DÍneroM8¡l BASICO $130 ($65x pers.) OPCIONALES ($10 x pers.) TOALLAS Y JABON. ESTACIONAMIENTO. ?P~ USO PARRILLA O DISCOS, USO COCINA Y VAJILL/ * Desayuno ($1 x pers.) En resrvas antic. Cena ($ x pers.) En resrvas antic. Vea SERVICIO Feriados: son por paquete, con seña 50% TARIFAS: consulte TARJETAS SERVICE - MENU (RUN DOWN THE PAGE) Backyard: pool laundry, tender, disc plow, tables, seating, plow, tank rim Parking patio tables, chairs Living-dining room (for breakfast or dinner served, or if you want to use with your own food or entertainment) (briefly behind the parking lot outside the room block.) Full homemade breakfast (abundant, included) (see menu) Fan, WIFI, Hot water 24 hours Free parking (enclosed patio, 2 gates) Includes clothing, towels, daily cleaning Central heating in hall Lounge: radio, T.V. DVD and USB (you can bring your movies) crockery, refrigerator, microwave ice, warm water to drink (mate) and cold, bottles, at no cost Patio tables and hall Barbecue disk plow TOURIST INFORMATION OWN (for full enjoyment of the city) You can ask local phone calls and internet Optional: Lunch / Dinner Express, Full Dinner Getting there-RUN DOWN THE PAGE Tandil is a city of 150,000 inhabitants. large size (15Km.) usually walks to 2, 5 or 10 miles from downtown, shifting to 30 blocks at one end of the ¨ ¨ that are horseshoe alrredor the hills of the center. The bus terminal is about 20 c. on other side Avenues should move, there are many street cuts through the hills lake roads. If your vehicle arrives at the outskirts of the city should go directly to the hostel from Route 30 and do not cross inside. Tourism information is in Calvary Avenue and Route 226, terminal, and parking downtown. ** By bus: from terminal bus 503 (blue) is taken in the casino (4 blocks) through the center (30 blocks) and get off at shifting (chapel) at 50 meters from the hostel colecitvo center 503 (blue) July 9th street, down in quicksand (chapel) micros from liniers-retirement tourism park, rio parana, star http://www.omnilineas.com.ar/bus/retiro/tandil/ ** By car: From Route 3 or 74 or 226, you get to Route 30 (industrial park) turn toward the center about 15 blocks down Av Eva Duarte, then Av Lunghi, turn right onto Alighieri (2nd light), shifting access) , surrounding hill (bar, square artisans), Cruz Santa Cruz, in the chapel right down to 50 meters ** From downtown, take into quicksand by Yrigoyen street (main square and city) to av the valley (Carrefur) bends slightly to left of the tower to barracks, left 3 blocks to Av Lunghi Turn right (traffic light), turn Alighieri left (2nd traffic light, shifting access), surrounding hill (bar, square artisans), in the chapel right down to 50 meters z z alquiler temporario x dia tandil alquileres por dia alquiler turistico tandil hospedaje por dia en tandil cabañas por dia en tandil para alquilar en tandil fin de semana largo departamentos en alquiler temporario en tandil pagina traducida In the moving-A meters of the hill, artisans, plazas, Playon sports, health center, chapel and collective If you want to walk without danger, smell fragrant trees, taste local produce, hear birds and children playing ... want to come to Tandil. A large and vibrant city with lots of rides and activities at 15 km between its hills and valleys good bed, good towels, full homemade breakfast Dining room with refrigerator, microwave, disc plow and crockery, Waste Disposal can bring your food and drink, for the DVD if you can bring movies Dinner, lunch optional express. tours and packages (see) RATES (with breakfast) AND PROMOS-(RUN DOWN THE PAGE) - Prices are total per room or per package not per person. SEE PRICE, (tours, dinner, etc..) 10 to 20% discount and chopped gift for more than 2 nights Signs (to ensure availability): deposits, credit cards (Payment Market) see signs We work with early booking if you wish to stay without a reservation remember that it is available 24 hours a hotel, so we do not ensure availability, or discounts SERVICE - MENU (RUN DOWN THE PAGE) It consists of a block of rooms (briefly March 1 with privat., And a hall bath for 1 or the 2 remaining) Backyard: pool laundry, tender, disc plow, tables, seating, plow, tank rim Parking patio tables, chairs Living-dining room (for breakfast or dinner served, or if you want to use with your own food or entertainment) (briefly behind the parking lot outside the room block.) Full homemade breakfast (abundant, included) (see menu) Fan, WIFI, Hot water 24 hours Free parking (enclosed patio, 2 gates) Includes clothing, towels, daily cleaning Central heating in hall Lounge: radio, T.V. DVD and USB (you can bring your movies) crockery, refrigerator, microwave ice, warm water to drink (mate) and cold, bottles, at no cost Patio tables and hall Barbecue disk plow TOURIST INFORMATION OWN (for full enjoyment of the city) You can ask local phone calls and internet Optional: Lunch / Dinner Express, Full Dinner Getting there-RUN DOWN THE PAGE Tandil is a city of 150,000 inhabitants. large size (15Km.) usually walks to 2, 5 or 10 miles from downtown, shifting to 30 blocks at one end of the ¨ ¨ that are horseshoe alrredor the hills of the center. The bus terminal is about 20 c. on other side Avenues should move, there are many street cuts through the hills lake roads. If your vehicle arrives at the outskirts of the city should go directly to the hostel from Route 30 and do not cross inside. Tourism information is in Calvary Avenue and Route 226, terminal, and parking downtown. ** By bus: from terminal bus 503 (blue) is taken in the casino (4 blocks) through the center (30 blocks) and get off at shifting (chapel) at 50 meters from the hostel colecitvo center 503 (blue) July 9th street, down in quicksand (chapel) micros from liniers-retirement tourism park, rio parana, star http://www.omnilineas.com.ar/bus/retiro/tandil/ ** By car: From Route 3 or 74 or 226, you get to Route 30 (industrial park) turn toward the center about 15 blocks down Av Eva Duarte, then Av Lunghi, turn right onto Alighieri (2nd light), shifting access) , surrounding hill (bar, square artisans), Cruz Santa Cruz, in the chapel right down to 50 meters ** From downtown, take into quicksand by Yrigoyen street (main square and city) to av the valley (Carrefur) bends slightly to left of the tower to barracks, left 3 blocks to Av Lunghi Turn right (traffic light), turn Alighieri left (2nd traffic light, shifting access), surrounding hill (bar, square artisans), in the chapel right down to 50 meters ROMO feriado contratando hasta el 30 9 julio (con seña efectivo) 2 noches Servicio basico + TV, heladera, y Estacionamiento QUEDAN: Para 2 PERS. $1000 O Para 3 PERS. $1250 ENVIAR MENSAJE PRIVADO PROMO feriado 9 julio (con seña efectivo) 2 noches, Servicio basico + TV, heladera, y Estacionamiento 2 PERS. $1000 3 PERS. $1250 4 PERS. $1500 PROMO carnaval y semana santa: reserva ant. * 3 noches, Serv. basico, incluido toallas y 1 ventilador y tv. 2 PERS. $1100 3 PERS. $1400 4 PERS. $ 1600 5 PERS. $1900 PROMO semana santa: * 3 noches, Serv. basico, incluido toallas y 1 ventilador y tv. 2 PERS. $1100 3 PERS. $1500 4 PERS. $ 1800 5 PERS. $2000 PROMO verano: * 3 noches, Serv. basico, incluido toallas y 1 ventilador 2 PERS. $900 3 PERS. $1080 4 PERS. $ 1240 5 PERS. $1450 * 5 noches, Serv. basico, incluido toallas y 1 ventilador 2 PERS. $ 1450 3 PERS. $ 1800 4 PERS. $ 2100 5 PERS. $2350 PROMO FERIADOS: 23 noviembre (horarios entrada y salida flexibles) Con reserva anticipada, torta casera y frasco de dulce casero de REGALO 2 noches-3 dias , Servicio basico, incluido toallas 2 PERS. $750 3 PERS. $900 4 PERS., $1150 5 PERS. $1300 FERIADO 7 diciembre (horarios entrada y salida flexibles) Con reserva anticipada, torta casera y frasco de dulce casero de REGALO 3 noches, Servicio basico, incluido toallas 2 PERS. $850 3 PERS. $1050 4 PERS., $1350 5 PERS. $1500 FERIADO 17 agosto (horarios entrada y salida flexibles) 2 noches, Servicio basico, incluido: uso Kitchinet, y toallas 3 PERS. $880 PROMOS: Otoño-invierno (no feriados, ni vacaciones), (ideal para findes, o para venir en tren, vie. a dom.) 2 noches, Servicio basico, incluido: uso Kitchinet, y toallas 2 PERS. $420 3 PERS. $550 4 PERS., $700 5 PERS. $800 5 noches, Servicio basico, , incluido: uso Kitchinet, y toallas (ideal para venir en tren, mar. a dom. O vie. a mierc.) 2 PERS. $1000 3 PERS. $1320 4 PERS., $1700 5 PERS. $1900 Invierno (Vacaciones) 3 noches, Servicio basico, incluido: uso Kitchinet, y toallas 2 PERS. $790 3 PERS. $920 4 PERS., $1280 5 PERS. $1500 PROMO FERIADOS: 1 ó 25 de mayo, 2 noches, (horarios entrada y salida flexibles) con estacionamiento, uso cocina y TOALLAS 2 PERS. $580 3 PERS. $750 4 PERS., $910 5 PERS. $1030 3 PERS. $1070 4 PERS., $1400 Verano 2015, 3 noches, con uso cocina y TOALLAS servicio basico $630, FERIADOS: Carnaval o 24 marzo o semana santa 3 noches, con uso cocina y TOALLAS 2 PERS. $850 Vea Promos otoño (desde 1/3, excepto feriados) verano 2015 3 noches con uso cocina y TOALLAS 2 pers. servicio basico $630, 3 pers. servicio basico $ 810, 4 pers. servicio basico $ 1020 5 pers. servicio basico $ 1170, FERIADOS: 24 marzo o semana santa 3 noches, (horarios entrada y salida flexibles) con uso cocina y TOALLAS 2 PERS. $850 3 PERS. $1070 4 PERS., $1400 5 PERS. $1600 Temporada baja (hasta 25/12/2014) (precios estimados, x dia) 2 PERS BAÑO PRIV BASICO $180 x dormi 3 PERS BAÑO PRIV BASICO $240 x dormi 4 PERS BAÑO PRIV BASICO $300 x dormi 5 PERS BAÑO PRIV BASICO $350 x dormi http://www.ferrobaires.gba.gov.ar/index.html FERIADOS NAVIDAD Y AÑO NUEVO, 3 noches, (horarios entrada y salida flexibles) con ESTACIONAMIENTO, TOALLAS Y USO DE COCINA 2 PERS. Servicio basico + Desayuno + $850 4 PERS., Servicio basico + Desayuno $1400 hasta 25/12/2014, 3 noches con ESTACIONAMIENTO Y TOALLAS GRATIS 2 pers. servicio basico $ 540 3 pers. servicio basico $ 720 4 pers. servicio basico $ 900 FERIADO 22/11 2 noches, (horarios entrada y salida flexibles) FERIADO 8/12 2 noches, (horarios entrada y salida flexibles) 2 PERS. hab baño priv. Servicio basico + Desayuno $600 4 PERS., 2 HABIT. 1 Baño priv Servicio basico + Desayuno $990 FERIADO agosto 2 noches/ 3 dias: 2 PERS. hab baño priv. Desayuno y CENA $940 ** 2 PERS. hab baño priv. Desayuno $740 *** 2 PERS. hab baño priv. Serv basico $680 4 PERS., 2 HABIT. 1 Baño priv. Desayuno y CENA $1500 4 PERS., 2 HABIT. 1 Baño priv. Desayuno $1100 4 PERS., 2 HABIT. 1 Baño priv Serv basico $990 Promos agosto-setiembre PROMO 3 noches 2 pers. servicio basico + opcionales $ 540 PROMO 5 noches (Para venir en tren) 2 pers. servicio basico + opcionales $ 850 2 dias, desayuno y CENA (t. baja), reserva anticipada 2 PERSONAS hab baño priv. $400 total para 2 Menu (para reponer energías) Elaboración casera, variados y rotativos, con productos de nuestra huerta, y de granja. BEBIDA, puede traer el huesped la que desee Desayuno servido: tostadas, masitas, pan casero, tortas caseras, dulces de frutas o leche caseros, Azucar o edulcorante , CAFE Y LECHE, TE O MATE, MATE cocido, O CACAO Cena completa: *entradas varias *Platos: ejemplos milanesa de ternera con papas--albondigas con pure--pastel de papa-----------bife a la criolla--- guiso criollo--hamburguesa casera con guarnicion-tallarines caseros con tuco--canelones de verdura con salsa----- ñoquis de papa a la bolognesa---pizza casera---zapallito rellenos c/carne y salsa *postres ejemplos 4 PERS., 2 HABIT. 1 Baño priv. Desayuno y CENA $1500 4 PERS., 2 HABIT. 1 Baño priv. Desayuno $1100 4 PERS., 2 HABIT. 1 Baño priv Serv basico $990 Promos agosto-setiembre PROMO 3 noches 2 pers. servicio basico + opcionales $ 540 PROMO 5 noches (Para venir en tren) 2 pers. servicio basico + opcionales $ 850 2 dias, desayuno y CENA (t. baja), reserva anticipada 2 PERSONAS hab baño priv. $400 total para 2 Menu (para reponer energías) Elaboración casera, variados y rotativos, con productos de nuestra huerta, y de granja. BEBIDA, puede traer el huesped la que desee Desayuno servido: tostadas, masitas, pan casero, tortas caseras, dulces de frutas o leche caseros, Azucar o edulcorante , CAFE Y LECHE, TE O MATE, MATE cocido, O CACAO Cena completa: *entradas varias *Platos: ejemplos milanesa de ternera con papas--albondigas con pure--pastel de papa-----------bife a la criolla--- guiso criollo--hamburguesa casera con guarnicion-tallarines caseros con tuco--canelones de verdura con salsa----- ñoquis de papa a la bolognesa---pizza casera---zapallito rellenos c/carne y salsa *postres ejemplos |